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Tormenta Tropical Danielle.

Aquí encontrarás todo lo relacionado al la meteorología en Puerto Rico y las condiciones del tiempo actuales, así como los huracanes que se desarrollen durante las temporadas ciclónicas, actualizados por expertos y aficionados a la meteorología de todo el pais! Este es tu foro! Leelo, escribe en el y disfrútalo! Cycloman.
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Re: Depresion Tropical # 4 Golfo de Mexico.

Post by Villafañe »

A las 11pm no logro el status de Tormenta. Veremos si lo logra, ya le queda poco tiempo.

1000 PM CDT SUN JUN 19 2016

The depression has changed little in overall organization since
the previous advisory. Deep convection that developed near the
center during the late afternoon has waned this evening, while
showers and thunderstorms over the far northern portion of the
circulation continue to exhibit some loose banding structure. Recent
buoy data and a satellite intensity estimate from TAFB still
support an initial wind speed of 30 kt. Data from an Air Force
Reserve Hurricane Hunter aircraft that is scheduled to investigate
the depression overnight should provide a better assessment
of the cyclone's intensity.

The depression is moving westward at about 6 kt. The track
forecast reasoning remains unchanged from the previous advisory.
The cyclone should move inland over Mexico within the next 12 to
24 hours while it continues to move westward to the south of a
large mid- to upper-level high that is located over the
south-central United States. The track guidance is in good
agreement on this scenario, and the NHC forecast is near a blend
of the GFS, ECMWF, and UKMET models.

Moderate southwesterly shear and the sprawling structure of the
depression should prohibit significant strengthening before it
reaches the coast of Mexico. However, some slight strengthening
is possible, and the system is still forecast to become a tropical
storm overnight or early Monday. Rapid weakening is expected once
the center moves over the mountainous terrain of eastern Mexico, and
the system is forecast to dissipate on Tuesday.

Heavy rainfall continues to be the primary threat associated with
this system. These rains could cause life-threatening flash floods
and mud slides over portions of eastern Mexico during the next
couple of days.


INIT 20/0300Z 20.1N 95.4W 30 KT 35 MPH
12H 20/1200Z 20.2N 96.2W 35 KT 40 MPH
24H 21/0000Z 20.4N 97.3W 35 KT 40 MPH...INLAND
36H 21/1200Z 20.5N 98.5W 20 KT 25 MPH...POST-TROP/REMNT LOW
48H 22/0000Z...DISSIPATED

Forecaster Brown
Posts: 2299
Joined: Tue Aug 06, 2013 11:36 pm

Re: Depresion Tropical # 4 Golfo de Mexico.

Post by Villafañe »

En otro tema, una banda de aguaceros entra por el este a esta hora gracias a una onda tropical que se acerca a la isla.

AXNT20 KNHC 192346

Tropical Weather Discussion
NWS National Hurricane Center Miami FL
746 PM EDT SUN JUN 19 2016

A tropical wave is entering the eastern Caribbean with axis from
17N60W to 09N62W, moving W at 20 kt during the past 24 hours.
Divergent upper-level winds in the vicinity of the wave are
supporting scattered to numerous showers and thunderstorms over
the Lesser Antilles and adjacent waters from 10N-19N between
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Joined: Tue Aug 06, 2013 11:36 pm

Re: Tormenta Tropical Danielle.

Post by Villafañe »

Wepa!!!! Ya tenemos el cuarto sistema de la temporada su nombre Danielle.
Posts: 2299
Joined: Tue Aug 06, 2013 11:36 pm

Re: Tormenta Tropical Danielle.

Post by Villafañe »

10:00 AM CDT Mon Jun 20
Location: 20.7°N 96.3°W
Moving: W at 7 mph
Min pressure: 1007 mb
Max sustained: 45 mph
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Joined: Tue Aug 06, 2013 11:36 pm

Re: Tormenta Tropical Danielle.

Post by Villafañe »

1000 AM CDT MON JUN 20 2016

An Air Force Reserve reconnaissance aircraft this morning measured
an 850-mb maximum flight-level wind of 52 kt north of the center
along with an SFMR surface wind of 40 kt. Based on these data and
the overall improvement in the satellite presentation, the
depression was upgraded to a tropical storm. Danielle becomes the
earliest fourth-named storm in the Atlantic basin, surpassing
Tropical Storm Debbie of 2012.

The initial motion estimate is 280/06 kt. Recon wind data indicate
that Danielle made a jog to the northwest, probably due to
reformation of the low-level center closer to an earlier burst of
strong convection. However, the general east-to-west deep layer
steering flow supports a slow but steady motion toward the west or
west-northwest for the next 24 hours, resulting in Danielle moving
inland along the east coast of Mexico later today or tonight. The
official forecast track lies close to the HWRF model.

Some modest strengthening before landfall cannot be ruled out, but
no rapid or significant strengthening is expected due to Danielle's
imminent interaction with land. Rapid weakening of the wind field is
forecast after landfall occurs, with dissipation expected by 36 h.

Heavy rainfall continues to be the primary threat associated with
Danielle. These rains could cause life-threatening flash floods
and mudslides over portions of eastern Mexico during the next couple
of days.


INIT 20/1500Z 20.7N 96.3W 40 KT 45 MPH
12H 21/0000Z 20.8N 97.2W 40 KT 45 MPH...NEAR THE COAST
24H 21/1200Z 20.8N 98.1W 25 KT 30 MPH...POST-TROP/REMNT LOW

Forecaster Stewart
Posts: 2299
Joined: Tue Aug 06, 2013 11:36 pm

Re: Tormenta Tropical Danielle.

Post by Villafañe »

A las 1pm continua con 45mph.

1:00 PM CDT Mon Jun 20
Location: 20.7°N 96.6°W
Moving: W at 7 mph
Min pressure: 1007 mb
Max sustained: 45 mph
Posts: 2299
Joined: Tue Aug 06, 2013 11:36 pm

Re: Tormenta Tropical Danielle.

Post by Villafañe »

Lamentable una persona muerta en Mexico.

Articulo del Nuevo Dia

CIUDAD DE MEXICO — Los remanentes de la tormenta tropical Danielle se disiparon esta tarde, luego de provocar fuertes lluvias que dejaron pocos daños significativos y como saldo al menos una persona muerta, en la región centro-este de México.

Danielle se debilitó rápidamente luego de tocar tierra a unos 15 kilómetros (10 millas) al norte del puerto de Tuxpan, en el estado de Veracruz, en el Golfo de México, informó el martes el Centro Nacional de Huracanes de Estados Unidos, con sede en Miami.

La tormenta causó que se inundaran calles y el gobierno del estado de Veracruz canceló varias clases como medida de precaución.

El gobierno de Veracruz señaló que no existen reportes inmediatos de personas muertas o heridas en el estado, ni de daños mayores.

Sin embargo, en el vecino estado de Tamaulipas, al norte, el gobierno estatal reportó que se encontró el cuerpo de un hombre en un canal de drenaje en Ciudad Madero, cerca de los límites con Veracruz, luego de que descendieran los niveles del agua tras el paso de la tormenta.

Aparentemente, la víctima de 22 años de edad, era indigente.

Se anticipa la formación de hasta 16 tormentas

La temporada ciclónica en el Atlántico comenzó el 1 de junio y termina el 30 de noviembre. Hasta el momento se han formado cuatro tormentas tropicales en la cuenca atlántica, Alex (que se transformó en huracán), Bonnie, Colin y Danielle, las dos primeras formadas antes del comienzo de la temporada de huracanes.

La Administración Nacional de Océanos y Atmósfera (NOAA) precisó en un informe que se prevé para este año la formación de 10 a 16 tormentas tropicales, de las cuales entre 4 y 8 llegarían a huracanes.

En una temporada considerada normal por la NOAA se forman una media de 12 tormentas tropicales, de las que 6 se convierten en huracanes y 3 de ellos alcanzan categorías superiores.

El organismo precisó que entre 1 y 4 de los huracanes previstos para 2016 lo serán de categoría mayor en la escala de intensidad de Saffir-Simpson, de un máximo de 5.
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